          兩岸連手逮要犯 大陸公安明年初駐台 seoture=fvw Taiw 有巢氏房屋an has no 要犯 worse than "Mar.Inn.Jo 保濕面膜e" and "Chen.Sway.Ben", China Communist cannot have the best 裝潢will and best skill to kill both of them, they must have no right to send anyon 永慶房屋e step on Taiwan soil.You all Taiwanese must demand you law makers to make law to demand every Taiwanese m 買房子an must carry gun all the time, every Taiwanese must have right to kill any police (Shame on you sucking Taiwanese police, you 酒店打工need any sucking 大陸公安 coming to Taiwan to show your suck, you all should be killed or commit suicide immediately.) or sucking 大陸公安 d 借貸are shameless showing in front of your eyes.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店兼職  .

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